李 斯 子
Li Si: Collected Works
An english translation
This site will eventually contain a complete translation of the surviving works of Li Si, side by side with the original text (courtesy of ctext.org). Some additional commentary can be found here.
史記,李斯列傳 Records of the Grand Historian, The Biography of Li Si, I
荀子,議兵 Xunzi, A Debate on Military Affairs
史記,李斯列傳 Records of the Grand Historian, The Biography of Li Si, II
史記,李斯列傳 Records of the Grand Historian, The Biography of Li Si, III
諫逐客書 Remonstrance Regarding the Expulsion of Guest Officials
韓非子,存韓 Han Feizi, On the Preservation of Han, I
韓非子,存韓 Han Feizi, On the Preservation of Han, II
史記,老子韓非列傳 Records of the Grand Historian, The Biographies of Master Lao and Han Fei
史記,秦始皇本紀 Records of the Grand Historian, The Basic Annals of Qin Shihuang, I
史記,秦始皇本紀 Records of the Grand Historian, The Basic Annals of Qin Shihuang, II
倉頡篇 The Cangjie Chapters, Part I
嶧山刻石,始皇詔 Mount Yi Inscription, Edict of the First Emperor
嶧山刻石,二世詔 Mount Yi Inscription, Edict of the Second Emperor
泰山刻石,始皇詔 Mount Tai Inscription, Edict of the First Emperor
泰山刻石,二世詔 Mount Tai Inscription, Edict of the Second Emperor
琅邪台刻石,始皇頌詩 Langya Terrace Inscription, Ode to the First Emperor
琅邪台刻石,二世詔 Langya Terrace Inscription, Edict of the Second Emperor
史記,秦始皇本紀 Records of the Grand Historian, The Basic Annals of Qin Shihuang III