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Weights and Measures

Weights and measures used in the Stratagems, since they occur frequently, are summarised and converted here rather than in the footnotes. A more systematic explanation can be found here.


Cun (寸) = 2.3 centimetres/0.9 inches

Zhi (咫) = 18.4 centimetres/7.2 inches

Chi (尺) = 23.1 centimetres/9 inches

Zhang (丈) = 2.31 metres/2.52 yards 

Ban (板) = it is not clear how long this was, possibly similar to a zhang or longer

Li (里) = around 500 metres/550 yards


Dou (斗) = 1.75-2.25 litres/3.7-4.75 pints

Zhong (鍾 or 鐘) = 68.25-87.75 litres, 18-23 gallons (UK) or 14.5-18.5 gallons (US)


Jin (斤) = 253 grams/8.9 ounces

Jun (鈞) = 18 kilograms/40 pounds

Shi (石) = 30.36 kilograms/67 pounds

Yi (溢) = between 315 and 380 grammes/11.1 and 13.4 ounces

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